Property Maintenance
DuBoistown Borough Council adopted the 2021 CMC (CKCOG Maintenance Code - Property, Fire Safety & Building Book).
Central Keystone Council of Governments will work with Borough Manager to enforce property maintenance complaints.
Additional Codes will be added to this page soon.
Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth more than 8 (Eight) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants, and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs, provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens.
Reference 2021 CMC Chapter 3 Section 302.4 Weeds.
Accumulation of rubbish or garbage. Exterior property and premises, and the interior of every structure, shall be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage.
Reference 2021 CMC Chapter 3 Section 308 Rubbish & Garbage
No person shall make, maintain, cause, or permit the burning of garbage, rubbish, refuse, solid waste, construction waste or any material that causes foul, nauseous or irritating smoke and/or fumes.
Burning of paper and paper products shall be permitted under the following conditions:
The fire shall be contained in a noncombustible, properly ventilated container covered with a wire screen, mesh, or other suitable noncombustible cover, with no larger than a one-inch-hole square screen mesh or opening, so as to prevent pieces or particles from escaping, floating and/or being blown away from the originating property.
Burning is permitted on the following:
7:00AM – 5:00PM Monday through Friday.
7:00AM – 12:00PM (NOON) Saturday